07 April 2010

i was taken down by the SLUT.

By SLUT, I mean the South Lake Union Trolley, which was renamed the South Lake Union Streetcar once the powers-that-be realized the unfortunate (and rather hilarious) acronym. 

The SLUT rides (oh, i can't help myself...) on these skinny rails that are on the right side of the curb lane... where bikes ride. The rails are the perfect size for a road bike tire:

You get where this is going. Bike + skinny tire-grabbing rails = lots of sprawled out, cursing bikers.

Today, I became one of them.

I was heading back from a delightful lunch at FareStart (an awesome organization which you should look up - ahm, once you are done reading my post, of course), and I was biking the quick ride home when... BAM... I found myself in the other lane on my side with my bike laying feet away from me. A very nice gentleman in a suit ran over and picked me and my bike up and made sure there were no broken bones. ("ARE YOU OKAY? MOVE YOUR WRISTS! CAN YOU MOVE YOUR WRISTS?!" He was very sweet and very earnest.)

I walked my bike for awhile, waiting for my hands to stop shaking, and I gave a silent thankful prayer that no cars had been around me when I fell (car vs. biker is not a game I want to play). I then noticed that my chain had come off my bike, and until that was fixed, there was no way I could ride home. Mother Eff.

Baptism by fire: I was (slowly) able to figure out how to put my chain back on my bike and make sure my gears were working. Then I (slowly) petaled, grandma-style, home where I lugged my bike up to my apartment and sat down to check out my war wounds.

As soon as I scrubbed the grease from my fingers, I called my mom to ask: "Ma, how do I clean road rash?" (An really efficient way to get your mother's attention, btw.) Then I dunked my elbow, knuckles, and upper thigh in hydrogen peroxide. Which. Hurt. A. Lot.

Naturally, this is when I take a break to take some photos. Because if I'm going to have war wounds, I'm going to show you them, for shizzle. I'm no martyr. Please note: I was wearing a jacket at the time of this fall. Several layers of my skin came off upon meeting the asphalt, even through my jacket.

There's also a big road rash on my upper thigh, but I think I might regret putting a picture of my ass on the internet.

After I was done taking pictures of my what-I-can-only-hope-turn-into-badass-scars, I looked more closely at my bike, which now has bent handlebars and the left gear shifter is wonky. WAH WAH, guess I'm making myself an appointment with the bike tuner.

Let's just say that I'm driving anywhere else I have to go today.

Pictures (in order) from Zazzle and The Seattle Times.


  1. Yowza!!! I lived on Capitol Hill for 4 years and rode my bike everywhere. I am very fortunate that I never had a bad crash. Were you clipped in?

  2. Oh my gosh!! How scary. I must say that those scrapes look pretty BA (bad ass) but I know how painful that sort of fall is!!! Glad you're okay!!!

  3. Is your jacket okay? =)

  4. Thanks for the sweet comments. Stevie, yes I was clipped in, though I did pop out as I flew off my bike. I think even if I wasn't clipped in, I would have fallen. It just happened so fast!

    OLIT - thanks!

    And Megs, thank goodness the jacket is okay!! That was my FIRST thought when I got my bike. Cause that things was spendy...

  5. Ow ow ow! And Oh oh oh! Getting stuck in the tracks is near the top of my list of Scariest Things Ever. At least the damages aren't that great - losing a limb or bike completely could have been worse. But I'm very sorry, nonetheless!

  6. oh no, that sounds horrible! i got stuck in the streetcar tracks on my bike in Toronto once but *somehow* managed to grind to a halt without coming off, but it was really scary. hope you're healing up quick!

  7. Yikes! I almost wiped out in the rain on a rail track the other day... I was aware of the tracks, and had crossed one, but had to do the tricky mid-track cross. Kinda reminded me of wakeboarding, and getting over the wake! Made my heart pump, but no wipe out fortunately.


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